The Kitten Lovers Wiki

A American Shorthair

Maine Coon

A Maine Coon

Russian Blue

A Russian Blue

Mixed Breed

A Mixed Breed

Turkish van

A Turkish Van

Ugly cat

A sphinx

Here are the things about different cat breeds.

American Shorthairs[]

American Shorthairs are gentle companions and a great playmate. American Shorthairs were brought to America by the Pilgrims to keep rodents off the Mayflower. They were called British Shorthair but since they were in America... They also love welcoming visitors. Besides being a gentle companion, they are affectionate and outgoing. They are also known to be very athletic. My friend, Liz, has a cat named Coco. According to her, Coco once started a game of soccer with a Chirstmas tree ornament!


They are easy to train, outgoing and intelligent.

Norwegian Forest Cat[]

They like to be around people.

Havana Brown[]

Havana Browns are intelligent, affectionate and sociable.

Scottish Fold[]

They are extremely smart.(not saying some cats aren't smart)Taylor Swift has an adorable gray Scottish Fold named Meredith.


Oricats don't like to be left alone and they learn tricks with great ease.

Cornish Rex[]

Cornish Rexes are extremely affectionate. They love people and are very funny. If you ask me, I'd say the have a few dog like traits.


They love to be in the center of the attention. Guess the don't get embarressed easily!


Singapuras are outgoing, curious and playful. They insist on helping you even if they really get you trouble.

Egyptian Mua[]

These are intelligent and loyal cats.

Maine Coons[]

Maine Coons are great with their paws. They have a distinctive look and great hunting skills. It is the state cat of Maine. They have long, flowing fur, a rectangular body shape, and a large bone structure. They are healthy and hardy cats. Their orgins are unknown.

Russian Blue[]

Russian Blues are silver-grey cats that are highly intellegent and playful but tend to be shy around strangers. They originated in Russia. Maybe that's why their called Russian Blues. They like to sit on your lap.

Turkish Vans[]

Turkish Vans love the water. This is the pet to get if you don't like washing them. They are normally white and sometimes orange spots.


Munchkins are the dachshuds of the cat family. They are genetically mutated cats, with abnormally short legs. Dispite their small nature, they are fast runners.


Ragdolls are easy going and like to sit on your lap.


Mixed breeds of cats can be many things. They can be nervous or outgoing, intellegent, friendly, and a great playmate and companion.
